To the best of my knowledge my site is not tracking personaly identifying information
This site is managed and hosted with a fantastic, lightweight and very fast blogging platform. Blot’s privacy policy is here
I use tinylytics to get basic analytics such as unique visits and page views.
I also use Cloudflare to manage DNS and also have it set up to cache the site but I’m not even sure that is needed given that Blot seems to do a great job with site performance. I mention it here as it also provides some basic analytics about page requests and caching.
If you are concerned about protecting your privacy and personal data online (and you should be) consider a privacy-first browser like Brave or even Safari for Apple devices. You can also use privacy inspection tools like The Markup’s Blacklight to find out more about how specific sites are tracking you. The link to Blacklight’s report on this site is here:
You can also greatly improve your browsing privacy and prevent your ISP from tracking your activity with services like Cloudflare’s free DNS and with Warp VPN