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Empty Beaches Jul 26, 2024 Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting & Color The secret to finding an empty beach in Vancouver on a warm summer day is to arrive in the early morning. One of my favorite summer activities is a West Dyke Trail, Richmond Jul 21, 2024 Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting & Color The West Dyke Trail runs along the Fraser River tributary just south of YVR, the Vancouver Airport before it turns south and runs along wetlands Burrard Bridge Looks Jul 10, 2024 'Scapes & Out and About & Color & Coasting The Burrard Bridge is a Vancouver landmark, completed in 1932 it’s rapidly approaching it’s centenial. With it’s art deco styling and views of Sunshine and Rainbows Apr 28, 2024 'Scapes & Out and About & Color & Coasting The world may not be all sunshine and rainbows but sometimes you are in the right place at the right time. The rain let up for a while this Low Tide Evening Mar 16, 2024 Coasting & 'Scapes & Color Sping-like weather, low tide and Spanish Banks beach combined for a great evening. Feels like Spring has sprung! Fuji XT-2 & 70-300mm + a couple Nevada Cloudscapes Feb 21, 2024 Monochrome & 'Scapes & Window Seat Beautiful clouds over Nevada (and maybe Oregon?) on the way home from Las Vegas. A perfect end to a fun few days! iPhone 15 Pro & Ricoh GR3 Rain Respite Jan 30, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes & Coasting A weeklong stretch of rain was briefly interupted today. The sky still threatened rain but it held off. The late afternoon was complimented by warm Dunbar Snow Scenes Jan 19, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes Yesterday, while I was on my way to Pacific Spirit Park I also made some photographs around the neighborhood. The blanket of white snow, dark wet Pacific Spirit Snow Jan 18, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I’m not much of a winter person, despite growing up on the prairies. It’s mostly the cold and the short days that I’m not fond of. A big dump of Cold Kits Jan 13, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes A sunny and clear, but very cold (for Vancouver), afternoon made for a fun outing this afternoon at Kits Beach! Leica SL2 and Sigma 85mm f1.4 Art Holiday Season Starts With A Beach Walk Dec 23, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes This week marked the offical start of Winter and for our family, like many, this weekend is the start of the holiday season. The holidays always Clarity In The Fog Nov 26, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I love photographing in the fog. Fog strips away the extraneous and can reveal as much as it obscures. Here are some shots from this morning around Kits Beach, Monochromes Nov 16, 2023 Out and About & 'Scapes & Monochrome Some black & white photos around Kits Beach this evening. A few color versions here as well! Leica SL2 & Zeiss 35mm Biogon Kits Beach, Late Afternoon Nov 16, 2023 Out and About & 'Scapes & Color Leica SL2 & Zeiss 35mm Biogon Stat Beach Walk Nov 13, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes Today was the Stat holiday in lieu of Remembrance Day falling on the weekend. I took advantage of the day off to enjoy a walk at Spanish Banks. Ad Hoc Morning Appointment Oct 30, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes I had a rare weekday morning without any appointments on my calendar. After a cafe stop for morning caffeine while doing some weekly planning, I Jericho Golden Hour Oct 11, 2023 Color & Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting Some lovely fall colors and beach scenery before sunset made for great subject matter this evening at Jericho & Locarno Beaches. Leica SL2 & Sigma Seawall Sunday Morning Oct 8, 2023 Color & Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting It was an absolutely gorgeous autumn morning to walk the seawall at Stanley Park. I probably shoud have edited this colection down a bit more but I When September Ends Sep 30, 2023 Color & Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting A sunset walk along the beach at Spanish Banks seems like a very good way to mark the end of September! Leica M10 & Zeiss 50mm f2 C Sonnar lens Overcast Jericho Morning Sep 28, 2023 Color & Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting I was out for a walk this morning with a camera and lens that both haven’t had much love from me lately. The 2015 Fujifilm XT-2 is still a great Sidney Pier Sep 18, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting I found myself with an hour or so before my ferry back to Vancouver this morning. My first thought was to stop for a coffee but I was already Iona Jetty, Color Selects Jun 4, 2023 Coasting & 'Scapes & Color A few selected photos from today in color rather than black & white. Leica SL2 & Sigma 45mm f2.8 Iona Jetty Monochromes Jun 4, 2023 Coasting & 'Scapes & Monochrome Last July I took a few photos of the Iona Jetty in the distance from the Marine Drive viewpoint. In the 1990s the land around the jetty was turned The Lens At Hand Apr 14, 2023 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I had an errand to run this evening and grabbed the first camera within reach just before I headed out the door. The camera is the wonderful little Cambie Street Bridge, Monochrome Edition Apr 13, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street & 'Scapes A series of black and white edits from my Cambie Bridge photos from the other day. I always find it interesting how removing color, adjusting Spring Evening, Cambie Street Bridge Apr 12, 2023 Out and About & Color & The Street & 'Scapes A series of photos from around and on the Cambie Street Bridge yesterday evening. It was a nice spring evening with some warm light to paint the An XPan(sive) Aspect Apr 7, 2023 Color & 'Scapes & Recollection I posted last August about experimenting with the a panoramic aspect ratio that the Hasselblad Xpan (& Fujifilm TX-1) film cameras produced. It’s a Locarno Beach With Reach Mar 22, 2023 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes I took advantage of another lovely spring evening and headed out to Locarno Beach. I brought my Fujifilm X-T2 and the 70-300mm telephoto zoom. I Signs of Spring in Kits Mar 15, 2023 Out and About & Color & 'Scapes It was simply a gorgeous afternoon. Sunny and warm with spring in the air. A perfect day for a late afternoon stroll around kits beach, the dog Friday Morning Monochromes Jan 27, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting Some Friday evening monochrome edits of this morning’s outing. Leica M10 & Voigtlander 75mm f2.5 Color Heliar & Ricoh GR3 Friday Morning Beach Break Jan 27, 2023 Coasting & Color & Out and About & 'Scapes Some good weather and a break in my schedule this morning gave me the motivation to get out for a walk. The break from both the wet and grey weather Misty Morning Nov 16, 2022 Out and About & Color & 'Scapes We are into foggy morning season here in Vancouver. Today was the second or third morning in a row with a (light) blanket of fog. It was a chance to Aerial Vistas Aug 15, 2022 Window Seat & Monochrome & 'Scapes Some black and white vistas from my flights to and from Edmonton this week. I never get tired of the window seat flying over the Rocky Mountains. A B&W BC Day Aug 1, 2022 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes Some black and white versions of photos from this morning. Leica M10 & Voigtlander 35mm f2.5 Color Skopar A British Columbia Day Aug 1, 2022 Coasting & Color & Out and About & 'Scapes It’s the BC Day stat holiday here in British Columbia, also known as the “Civic Holiday”, most provinces observe a day off on the first Monday of Out Early To Beat The Heat Jul 27, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes Vancouver is going through one of it’s rare hot spells. Today is forcast to reach 29°C which is well past the melting point for most Vancouverites. Saturday Seaside Scenes Jul 23, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes I was out for a short drive this morning before heading to Spanish Banks to take some low tide photos. The first two photos here are from the Viewfinder Time Jun 30, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes It’s been a busy couple of weeks where I’ve spent a lot of time in chairs in front of screens. When I get busy I often have trouble making time to Grey Morning, Grey Photos Jun 21, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I was up early and down at the beach by 6:30AM for a walk before starting a busy work day. I’ve been shooting a lot with my X-T2 & 70-300 telephoto Mountain Light Jun 15, 2022 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I was in Whistler last weekend on a long overdue company retreat with our team. It was a busy (& fun) weekend but I did have some time for a couple Mid Afternoon Low Tide May 29, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes After visiting the UBC Botanical Gardens, I headed over to Spanish Banks to continue enjoying the sunny Sunday afternoon. I seem to have good luck Evening Camosun Loop May 25, 2022 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes A walk this evening heading west on King Edward, on the short trail past the Camosun Substation and back around to Camosun Steet and home. Leica CL Golden Hour, Spanish Banks May 21, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes A beautiful evening for a golden hour walk and some photos at Spanish Banks. I wanted a bit of reach and compression so I brought the longest lens I Low Tide, Spanish Banks May 20, 2022 Coasting & Color & 'Scapes While most of my photos from my walk this evening were made with the Leica CL and 75mm Voigtlander, this landscape was made with the Ricoh GR3 and Rain City Saturday May 14, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes It was a rainy Saturday morning but that didn’t stop me from getting out for a walk in Point Grey & Jericho Beach. I took the tiny and weather Maria on the Sea May 7, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes This ship is the Glovis Maria. One of about 9 ships a day or more than 3,000 a year that call into the Port of Vancouver. She looks well worn Once Trees, Now Debris May 6, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes What look to be a raft of a hundred or so scrap logs appear to have washed up on Jericho Beach. I’m sure they will be removed but it peaked my Staycation May 4, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes I made a last minute decision to take some vacation time last week. A small lull in my work schedule made the timing seem right. I had no real plans 8 AM Sailing Apr 24, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes Fujifilm X-T2 & Fujinon XF 18-55 lens A Good Friday Apr 15, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes The rain and clouds cleared this afternoon and made way for a a nice spring evening at Jericho Beach. Leica M10 & 50mm Zeiss Sonnar f1.5 Window Seat ’Scapes Apr 11, 2022 Window Seat & Monochrome & 'Scapes I love watching the scenery from a window seat on a flight. Here are some black and white photos from the window seat on yesterday’s flight from Ascent Apr 8, 2022 Window Seat & Monochrome & 'Scapes Christine and I are on our way to Edmonton to visit with my Mom, sister and visiting family. Our 10am flight took off on the west runway proving a Dunbar Blossoming Mar 31, 2022 Everyday & Color & 'Scapes The cherry blossoms were in full bloom in Dunbar on this lovely last day of March! Leica M10 & Voigtlander 75mm & TTArtisan 28mm lenses Memorial West Park Jan 6, 2022 Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome Black and White (lots of white!) photos from a walk around Memorial West Park in Dunbar this afternoon. The igloo was a nice surprise! Fujifilm Around the Neighborhood Jan 3, 2022 Everyday & Color & 'Scapes Was feeling particularly lazy today but finally managed to get our for a quick walk in the late afternoon around the neighborhood. There was some Jericho Snow Jan 1, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Color & 'Scapes About twice a decade we get a substantial amout of snow in Vancouver that sticks around for more than a day or two. There were quite a few people Terminal Avenue Dec 8, 2021 Out and About & Color & 'Scapes A few photos walking over to pick up my car from it’s annual check up. Leica CL & 18mm Elmarit I like the early golden-hour More Rockies Nov 19, 2021 Window Seat & 'Scapes & Color Most recent flight to Edmonton had the Rocky Mountains with considerably more snow than even a month ago. Photos with iPhone 13 Pro and some vintage Gulf Islands of Two Novembers Past Nov 4, 2021 Window Seat & 'Scapes & Recollection & Monochrome & Coasting It’s been almost 2 years since I was on a seaplane travelling a couple times a month between Vancouver and Victoria. I miss those flights, Zombies in Paradise Nov 1, 2021 Coasting & Out and About & Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome I was out for a walk at Kits Beach around dusk yesterday. I wish I could say I went with a subject or project in mind but I was mostly just out for Time Moves On Oct 23, 2021 'Scapes & Out and About & Monochrome & Coasting I’m constantly drawn back to this little stretch of Vancouver shoreline. Often I think I should be more adventurous and return less often to this Brief Afternoon Getaway Oct 7, 2021 'Scapes & Color & Coasting It’s been a very busy couple of weeks complete with some of the stresses of life. I managed to steal away for an hour this afternoon for a walk on Southern Gulf Islands Sep 24, 2021 'Scapes & Out and About & Monochrome Some photos of the southern gulf islands shot from the Victoria to Vancouver ferry this afternoon. I shot these in color and they looked nice enough Empressed Sep 11, 2021 Out and About & 'Scapes & Monochrome When we were in Victoria last weekend we stayed close to the harbor and managed a few walks in and around the Empress Hotel including a trip to Victoria Morning Distraction Sep 8, 2021 Out and About & The Street & 'Scapes & Monochrome I haven’t posted in a while. Sometimes life gets in the way of art (or at least recreation)! The past few weeks have been busy with work and back to Harbour Haze Aug 14, 2021 Out and About & 'Scapes & Color The air quality is very low right now here in Vancouver with smoke from forest fires that rolled in yesterday. The smoke seemed to dissipate quite a Kitsilano Seaside Scenes Aug 11, 2021 Out and About & 'Scapes & Color This mornings outing was around Kits Beach, I guess the theme, if there is one, is seaside scenes. Fujifilm X-T2 & Fujinon XF 50mm f2 R WR with Clouds & Classic Chrome Aug 9, 2021 Out and About & Color & 'Scapes It was an overcast morning but the sun was proving some nice warm light and some soft color to the clouds. I left the rangefinders at home this Spanish Banks Mid-Summer Morning Jul 30, 2021 Coasting & 'Scapes & Everyday & Color I’m still getting used to the Zeiss 50mm 1.5 Sonnar lens but I do really enjoy the look of images that is produces! When I was reviewing these Window Seat Jul 25, 2021 Window Seat & 'Scapes & Color I flew back from Edmonton to Vancouver this afternoon. It was a lovely day over the Rocky Mountains and we seemed to be cruising at a fairly low Lots to Work With Jul 14, 2021 Coasting & 'Scapes & Color & Out and About Back for a walk at Kits Beach this morning and headed west toward the Marine Museum and the small beach there that is apparently known as Teatotaler Jericho Summer Morning Jul 6, 2021 Coasting & Color & Out and About & 'Scapes It felt like a good morning for some color photos in the early morning summer light. I never get tired of these views. Leica M10 & 75mm Color Heliar Summer Haze Jun 28, 2021 Everyday & Moments & Color & 'Scapes Evening walk along Jericho Beach in the haze from the hottest day of the year so far! Ricoh GRiii Highbury Rectifier Jun 13, 2021 'Scapes & Monochrome & Everyday I’ve always found urban infrastructure interesting. Particularly the often non-descript buildings that house electrical, telecom and other utility Camosun Substation Jun 7, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome Photos of the substation converved to monochrome 2016 White Rock Pier May 28, 2021 Recollection & Out and About & The Street & 'Scapes & Monochrome & Coasting A collection of photos from a visit to the White Rock Pier on a nice spring day in March 2016. The pier was severley damaged during a windstorm in Attracted to Danger May 24, 2021 'Scapes & Recollection & Monochrome I’m pretty much a chicken when it comes to adventure (I prefer to think of it as low risk lifestyle!). I realized yesterday that there is something Sunday Morning Seawall Stroll May 23, 2021 Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome Few photos from a stroll along False Creek seawall this morning. Leica M10, 35mm Zeiss Biogon f2 High Up Hut May 23, 2021 'Scapes & Out and About & Monochrome I’m not sure if this is a sculpture or an art installation, either way I think it’s pretty cool. It’s called High Up Hut and it’s in False Creek Let’s Heal The Divide May 20, 2021 The Street & Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome I had a little time to kill this afternoon and decided to dust off my Leica M8 with 21mm Voigtlander Color Skopar f4. This tiny 21mm lens gives a Photo Set Experiments May 5, 2021 The Street & 'Scapes & Experiments & Sets & Monochrome One of the reasons I started this blog was to have a place to experiment and make notes about how I edit and present some of my photography. Most Low Tide Afternoon May 2, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome & Coasting Low tide at Locarno Beach. I’m quite happy with these photos in the late afternoon light from this spur-of-the-moment walk on the beach. This lens Jericho Shore Scenes Apr 24, 2021 'Scapes & Monochrome & Coasting A few landscapes from Jericho Beach on an overcast April morning. Fujifilm X-T2, 18-55mm, f8 Spanish Banks Dog Beach Mar 20, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome & Coasting Spanish Banks Off Leash Dog Area. Leica M10, Zeiss Biogon 35mm f2. More photos from this location in a Flickr album