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May 31, Granville Island May 31, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street I was out for a pint at Granville Island this afternoon with friends and decided to stick around and take a walk after we disbanded. Apart from a Nevada Cloudscapes Feb 21, 2024 Monochrome & 'Scapes & Window Seat Beautiful clouds over Nevada (and maybe Oregon?) on the way home from Las Vegas. A perfect end to a fun few days! iPhone 15 Pro & Ricoh GR3 Shades of Las Vegas Feb 20, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street Some select black & white images from our Las Vegas Trip. Ricoh GR3 + a few iPhone 15 Pro Happy Lunar New Year! Feb 9, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street A quick trip to Chinatown this afternoon in celebration of Lunar New Year. All of the shops and restaurants were busy with people stocking up for Shower Study Feb 6, 2024 Monochrome & Abstract & Sets Photos made and edited on iPhone 15 Pro Glimpses of Infrastructure Feb 3, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street I’ve been ill with a bad cold (or some other nasty virus) for the past few days so I was happy I felt well enough this afternoon to go for a walk Rain Respite Jan 30, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes & Coasting A weeklong stretch of rain was briefly interupted today. The sky still threatened rain but it held off. The late afternoon was complimented by warm Dunbar Snow Scenes Jan 19, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes Yesterday, while I was on my way to Pacific Spirit Park I also made some photographs around the neighborhood. The blanket of white snow, dark wet Pacific Spirit Snow Jan 18, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I’m not much of a winter person, despite growing up on the prairies. It’s mostly the cold and the short days that I’m not fond of. A big dump of Cold Kits Jan 13, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes A sunny and clear, but very cold (for Vancouver), afternoon made for a fun outing this afternoon at Kits Beach! Leica SL2 and Sigma 85mm f1.4 Art A Short December Dec 29, 2023 Recollection & Monochrome Realistically, I suppose, this December was the same lengh as the ones that came before it. Thirty one days (29 so far), 744 hours, even 5 full Holiday Season Starts With A Beach Walk Dec 23, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes This week marked the offical start of Winter and for our family, like many, this weekend is the start of the holiday season. The holidays always Clarity In The Fog Nov 26, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I love photographing in the fog. Fog strips away the extraneous and can reveal as much as it obscures. Here are some shots from this morning around Epic Nov 18, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome Every now and then schedules align and you end up in the fortunate position of being able to spend time with a great friend and his great dog. Kits Beach, Monochromes Nov 16, 2023 Out and About & 'Scapes & Monochrome Some black & white photos around Kits Beach this evening. A few color versions here as well! Leica SL2 & Zeiss 35mm Biogon Night Light Nov 14, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About The days are getting shorter especially after the recent clock change but I decided to not let that stop me from getting out with a camera this Stat Beach Walk Nov 13, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes Today was the Stat holiday in lieu of Remembrance Day falling on the weekend. I took advantage of the day off to enjoy a walk at Spanish Banks. Ad Hoc Morning Appointment Oct 30, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes I had a rare weekday morning without any appointments on my calendar. After a cafe stop for morning caffeine while doing some weekly planning, I Sidney Pier Sep 18, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting I found myself with an hour or so before my ferry back to Vancouver this morning. My first thought was to stop for a coffee but I was already Sunday Street Scenes Sep 17, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & The Street I got a lot of steps in on Sunday as my wife and I were exploring Victoria. I got a good number of snaps in as well. Leica M10 & Zeiss 35mm f2 Ferry Terminal Sep 11, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About A few shots while wating to pick up my daughter at the ferry terminal. Leica M10 & Zeiss 35mm f2 Biogon lens Wide But Not Far Jul 16, 2023 Monochrome & Everyday In 2008 when I got my Leica M8 I wanted a 28mm equivalent lens. On the M8’s 1.33 crop sensor that required a 21mm lens so I picked up a used Recent Phone Favorites Jun 30, 2023 Color & Monochrome & Recollection I posted around this time last year how I prefer “real” cameras to my phone. I still manage to get images I like from my phone. Sometimes it’s the Iona Jetty Monochromes Jun 4, 2023 Coasting & 'Scapes & Monochrome Last July I took a few photos of the Iona Jetty in the distance from the Marine Drive viewpoint. In the 1990s the land around the jetty was turned A Complicated Relationship May 28, 2023 Sets & Coasting & Monochrome & Color Everyone has some complicated relationships in their life. My relationship with color is complicated. I love color but I also love it’s absence. I’m 9 to 5 Sailings May 28, 2023 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome I was in Victoria for the day on Wednesday for both work and fun. The fun started with the 9AM sailing to Victoria. The weather was perfect and 30 Minutes In Chinatown May 19, 2023 The Street & Out and About & Monochrome After delivering a kid to an appointment yesterday morning I had a bit of time on my hands. Rather than sit in my car and doom scroll I took the Granville Street Morning May 17, 2023 The Street & Out and About & Monochrome I was downtown yesterday morning with a little bit of time on my hands before a day of meetings. After fueling up with an Americano Misto I strolled Busy Couple of Weeks May 11, 2023 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome Updates to this site have been absent for the past couple of weeks as life gets in the way. A bit of travel, work, busy family have all contributed April Beach Weather Apr 29, 2023 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome The last Saturday in April felt more like a Saturday in July. Christine and I hung out for a while at Jericho beach to enjoy the summer-like Errands on Broadway Apr 17, 2023 Everyday & Monochrome & The Street Christine and I had some errands to run and shopping to do on West Broadway this past Sunday. Everyday moments that give life texture and that I The Lens At Hand Apr 14, 2023 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I had an errand to run this evening and grabbed the first camera within reach just before I headed out the door. The camera is the wonderful little Cambie Street Bridge, Monochrome Edition Apr 13, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street & 'Scapes A series of black and white edits from my Cambie Bridge photos from the other day. I always find it interesting how removing color, adjusting March Monochromes Mar 24, 2023 Monochrome Most of my posts in recent months on this site have been of color photos. I have to admit to a renewed interest in color, despite a bit of hesitancy Friday Morning Monochromes Jan 27, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes & Coasting Some Friday evening monochrome edits of this morning’s outing. Leica M10 & Voigtlander 75mm f2.5 Color Heliar & Ricoh GR3 Provisioning Nov 8, 2022 Everyday & Monochrome This past rainy Sunday was a good day for a trip to the local provisioning centre. A lot of people had the same idea. Ricoh GR3 Post Feast Kitchen Oct 10, 2022 Everyday & Monochrome I received my Ricoh GR iii back from the service centre last week and I’m happy to have my take-everywhere camera back. It was a busy week which led Autumn Garden Sep 20, 2022 Monochrome & Up Close & Experiments A few close ups and experiments from the patio garden. Fujifilm X-T2 & Fujinon XF 50mm f2 R WR Olympic Village Afternoon Sep 18, 2022 Monochrome & Out and About Christine and I spent a couple of hours enjoying the late summer afternoon in Olympic Village. We walked around the village but most of that time we Last Summer Saturday Sep 17, 2022 Coasting & Monochrome & Out and About Today was a little cooler, cloudier and windier than we’ve been used to all summer. Autumn is definitely on the way. Still, it was a nice day to be Summer Haze Sep 12, 2022 Coasting & Monochrome & Out and About Smoke from forest fires rolled into Vancouver over the weekend bringing poor air quality and smoky haze with it. So far this summer, we have been Pleasant Evening Sep 9, 2022 Monochrome & Out and About & The Street Some photos from a 20-minute walk in Mt. Pleasant between Main & Quebec and 5th & 8th Ave. My GR3 is out for a sensor cleaning so I pressed its Vancouver Seawall Aug 27, 2022 Coasting & Monochrome & Out and About A warm but blustery late August morning on the seawall at Coal Harbour and Stanley Park. Leica M10 & Zeiss 50mm f1.5 ZM Sonnar Aerial Vistas Aug 15, 2022 Window Seat & Monochrome & 'Scapes Some black and white vistas from my flights to and from Edmonton this week. I never get tired of the window seat flying over the Rocky Mountains. A B&W BC Day Aug 1, 2022 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes Some black and white versions of photos from this morning. Leica M10 & Voigtlander 35mm f2.5 Color Skopar Cruising Jul 14, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome When I was downtown on Sunday I wandered down to the crusie ship terminal. It felt a lot like pre pandemic summer as there were three enormous Dunbar, 8PM Jul 9, 2022 Everyday & Monochrome In the neighborhood yesterday evening 8:00 to 8:30 PM. Some nice light and shadows as the day draws to an end. Fujifilm X-T2 and Fujinon XF 18-55 Recent Phone Favorites Jul 7, 2022 Color & Monochrome & Recollection The cameras on modern smartphones are incredible. Camera technology, both hardware and software, has advanced to the point that it is possible to Shades of Mount Pleasant Jul 3, 2022 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street Being partially color blind makes me wonder how others percieve color and what attracts them to an image. My particular flavor of color blindness is Grey Morning, Grey Photos Jun 21, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I was up early and down at the beach by 6:30AM for a walk before starting a busy work day. I’ve been shooting a lot with my X-T2 & 70-300 telephoto Chaldecot Park Jun 19, 2022 Everyday & Monochrome Early morning walk to Chaldecot park before a busy morning that includes seeing a daughter off to Europe and Father’s Day brunch! Fujifilm X-T2 and Marine Morning, Monochrome Jun 18, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome After posting color photos from this morning, I had a second pass throught the files and processed some of the photos as black and white’s. There Mountain Light Jun 15, 2022 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I was in Whistler last weekend on a long overdue company retreat with our team. It was a busy (& fun) weekend but I did have some time for a couple Evening Camosun Loop May 25, 2022 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes A walk this evening heading west on King Edward, on the short trail past the Camosun Substation and back around to Camosun Steet and home. Leica CL Some M8 Monochromes May 9, 2022 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street I mentioned yesterday that I especially like the black & white images that the Leica M8 produces. Here are a few of yesterdays photos from the black 8 AM Sailing Apr 24, 2022 Coasting & Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes Fujifilm X-T2 & Fujinon XF 18-55 lens Window Seat ’Scapes Apr 11, 2022 Window Seat & Monochrome & 'Scapes I love watching the scenery from a window seat on a flight. Here are some black and white photos from the window seat on yesterday’s flight from Ascent Apr 8, 2022 Window Seat & Monochrome & 'Scapes Christine and I are on our way to Edmonton to visit with my Mom, sister and visiting family. Our 10am flight took off on the west runway proving a Play Time Mar 27, 2022 Doggos & Everyday & Monochrome I love this little dude. Max is 14 years old and he still thinks he’s a puppy. Fujifilm X-T2 w Fujinon 23mm f2 R WR lens Grooming Day Mar 24, 2022 Doggos & Everyday & Monochrome & Moments The pups were long overdue for haircuts due to some minor health issues. Both of them are really not fond of grooming day so I’m sure they were Masked Sets Mar 21, 2022 Monochrome & Sets & Recollection As the 2 year aniversary of the pandemic approached I started to look through my photo library for photos of people and thier masks. The ones Outer Deck Mar 3, 2022 Out and About & Monochrome I was in Victoria for the past 2 days and came back to Vancouver on the 1:00 PM sailing. The weather was pretty nice so I left the comfort of my car Museum Watching Feb 24, 2022 Recollection & Out and About & Monochrome Recently I came across an article on the Magnum Photos website about the famous photographer Elliot Erwitt and his photographs of people looking at Main Street Moments Feb 21, 2022 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street I tagged along on my wife and daughter’s shopping trip to Main Street yesterday afternoon. A lot of people were out and about enjoying their Sunday False Creek Morning Jan 15, 2022 Everyday & Out and About & Monochrome A nice morning walk around False Creek with the Leica CL & Sigma 45mm DC DN 2.8 lens Dunbar by Night Jan 13, 2022 Everyday & The Street & Monochrome It was a sunny and warm January day today. Yesterday’s rain melted all the snow and Vancouver looks like Vancouver again. The snow was a nice change Memorial West Park Jan 6, 2022 Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome Black and White (lots of white!) photos from a walk around Memorial West Park in Dunbar this afternoon. The igloo was a nice surprise! Fujifilm Arbutus St. Dec 4, 2021 Out and About & Everyday & The Street & Monochrome Was time to get the Winter tires installed so I had some time to kill this morning after I dropped the car off. I walked down to the beach, and was Sunny Day in Shades of Grey Dec 3, 2021 Everyday & Out and About & Monochrome Some black and white versions of photos from today. Some of these have color version in my Rain Streak Broken post. Leica CL and 18mm Elmarit Homecoming Nov 28, 2021 Window Seat & Monochrome Few photos from my trip home from snowy Edmonton to rainy Vancouver. iPhone 13 Pro More Market Nov 14, 2021 Out and About & Everyday & Monochrome In addition the star ornament photos I took at Granville Island on Remembrance Day, here are some additional photos from around the market. Ricoh GR3 Star of the Season Nov 14, 2021 Out and About & Monochrome I was at the Granville Island Public Market on Remembrance Day to take advantage of the day off to combine some produce shopping with a short photo Mt. Pleasant Lunch Run Nov 10, 2021 Everyday & The Street & Monochrome Recently I’ve started to go into the office once a week or so to connect with other humans and take advantage of the change in scenery from the Gulf Islands of Two Novembers Past Nov 4, 2021 Window Seat & 'Scapes & Recollection & Monochrome & Coasting It’s been almost 2 years since I was on a seaplane travelling a couple times a month between Vancouver and Victoria. I miss those flights, Kits Diptychs Nov 3, 2021 Sets & Out and About & Everyday & Monochrome Some photo sets from my outing at Kits Beach at dusk on Sunday Leica M10 & 35mm Zeiss Biogon f2 Zombies in Paradise Nov 1, 2021 Coasting & Out and About & Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome I was out for a walk at Kits Beach around dusk yesterday. I wish I could say I went with a subject or project in mind but I was mostly just out for Time Moves On Oct 23, 2021 'Scapes & Out and About & Monochrome & Coasting I’m constantly drawn back to this little stretch of Vancouver shoreline. Often I think I should be more adventurous and return less often to this Southern Gulf Islands Sep 24, 2021 'Scapes & Out and About & Monochrome Some photos of the southern gulf islands shot from the Victoria to Vancouver ferry this afternoon. I shot these in color and they looked nice enough Balaclava Park Sep 19, 2021 Everyday & Out and About & Monochrome It was overcast this afternoon and threatening to drizzle. I made it out for a walk with my Ricoh GR3 and took a few photos around Balaclava park. Empressed Sep 11, 2021 Out and About & 'Scapes & Monochrome When we were in Victoria last weekend we stayed close to the harbor and managed a few walks in and around the Empress Hotel including a trip to Victoria Morning Distraction Sep 8, 2021 Out and About & The Street & 'Scapes & Monochrome I haven’t posted in a while. Sometimes life gets in the way of art (or at least recreation)! The past few weeks have been busy with work and back to Missed the Market Aug 16, 2021 Out and About & The Street & Everyday & Monochrome I was at Granville Island on Sunday morning for a walk and a coffee and thought I would spend some time in the Public Market and take some photos. Yaletown at 75 …mm …equivalent Aug 10, 2021 Out and About & The Street & Experiments & Monochrome Some quick street test shots with the Fujinon XF 50mm f2 R WR lens on the streets of Yaletown this afternoon. This is a nice compact lens with a Overcast in Yaletown Aug 1, 2021 Out and About & The Street & Everyday & Monochrome My wife and I were out for a walk this afternoon in Yaletown. It was overcast and a bit hazy which kept it a bit cooler but it also resulted in Strathcona Farmer’s Market Jul 27, 2021 Out and About & The Street & Experiments & Monochrome I was in Edmonton this past weekend with my daughters visiting my Mom, Sister & Nieces. It was a quick weekend trip but we managed a trip to the Set Theory Jul 18, 2021 Sets & Experiments & Moments & Monochrome I’m increasingly interested in photos sets, images that that “go together” in some way to tell a story or present some common theme. Sets of 2 or 3 Black and White Stamps Jul 15, 2021 Coasting & Out and About & Everyday & Monochrome This mornings’ outing was around Stamps Landing, west of the Cambie street bridge. Some nice early morning light! Leica M10 & Voigtlander 75mm Color Stride Jul 12, 2021 Moments & Out and About & Experiments & Monochrome These two photos were taken a couple of minutes apart and I think they sort of work as a pair. Leica M10 & 35mm Zeiss Biogon f2 Lost Lake Jul 3, 2021 Out and About & Monochrome Short hike to Lost Lake this morning. All photos from iPhone X, edited and posted from iPhone as well Lift Line Jul 1, 2021 Out and About & Monochrome Photos from this morning in and around the lift line taking mountain bikers up Whistler. Ricoh GR3 Vaccination Station Jun 28, 2021 Everyday & The Street & Monochrome This past Saturday was my dose #2 for COVID-19 vaccination at the Canada Place convention centre here in Vancouver. Took a few photos around Canada Rough Week Jun 27, 2021 Moments & Everyday & Monochrome & Doggos Max had a rough week. The old boy was suffering from muscle spasms. Best hypothesis is that he threw his back out jumping off our bed. A trip to Dahlia Dreams Jun 26, 2021 Up Close & Experiments & Monochrome One of the photos I took yesterday inspired me to go back into the garden and spend some more time photographing the Dhalias. The first photo was Garden Up Close & Monochrome Jun 25, 2021 Up Close & Monochrome Too lazy to go for a proper walk last evening but I did take some macro images from the patio garden. Here they are in monochrome Hand-held Fujifilm Garden Centre Jun 20, 2021 Everyday & Monochrome Father’s Day trip to the garden centre. A good chance to occupy myself taking photos while the family shops for plants! Ricoh GR iii at ISO 100 & 200 Market Morning Jun 19, 2021 Everyday & The Street & Monochrome Busy Saturday morning at Granville Island Public Market. People taking advantage of a nice spring morning and collecting supplies for Fathers Day. Neighborhood Walk Jun 15, 2021 Everyday & Monochrome Morning walk around the neighborhood with Leica M10 & 35mm Zeiss Biogon f2 Possible Light Rain… Jun 13, 2021 Up Close & Monochrome … was the forcast as I headed ouf for a walk this morning. It was definitely more than just a possibility. A flew flora + rain closeups from this Highbury Rectifier Jun 13, 2021 'Scapes & Monochrome & Everyday I’ve always found urban infrastructure interesting. Particularly the often non-descript buildings that house electrical, telecom and other utility Dunbar Baseball Jun 11, 2021 Everyday & Monochrome Leica M10 with Voigtlander 75mm Color Heliar 2.5 Camosun Substation Jun 7, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome Photos of the substation converved to monochrome Sale May 31, 2021 The Street & Sets & Monochrome Two frames that, I think, make an interesting set South Granville Sunday May 30, 2021 The Street & Everyday & Monochrome A quick walk around South Granville this afternoon with the Ricoh GR iii 2016 White Rock Pier May 28, 2021 Recollection & Out and About & The Street & 'Scapes & Monochrome & Coasting A collection of photos from a visit to the White Rock Pier on a nice spring day in March 2016. The pier was severley damaged during a windstorm in Meanwhile in 2009 May 27, 2021 Recollection & Monochrome Time flies Attracted to Danger May 24, 2021 'Scapes & Recollection & Monochrome I’m pretty much a chicken when it comes to adventure (I prefer to think of it as low risk lifestyle!). I realized yesterday that there is something Sunday Morning Seawall Stroll May 23, 2021 Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome Few photos from a stroll along False Creek seawall this morning. Leica M10, 35mm Zeiss Biogon f2 High Up Hut May 23, 2021 'Scapes & Out and About & Monochrome I’m not sure if this is a sculpture or an art installation, either way I think it’s pretty cool. It’s called High Up Hut and it’s in False Creek Let’s Heal The Divide May 20, 2021 The Street & Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome I had a little time to kill this afternoon and decided to dust off my Leica M8 with 21mm Voigtlander Color Skopar f4. This tiny 21mm lens gives a Spring Garden in Monochrome May 18, 2021 Everyday & Monochrome & Up Close A few quick photos this evening in the patio garden. These photos look great in color but I also like them in monochrome with a few tweaks to make (Re) Discovered May 17, 2021 The Street & Recollection & Monochrome I love when I discover photos in my catalog that I don’t have a clear memory of taking or had previously dismissed. Here are a few from Montreal in Couple More Photo Sets May 9, 2021 The Street & Experiments & Sets & Monochrome A couple more sets from the same outing. None of these are particularly good photos but I do enjoy them as a set Photo Set Experiments May 5, 2021 The Street & 'Scapes & Experiments & Sets & Monochrome One of the reasons I started this blog was to have a place to experiment and make notes about how I edit and present some of my photography. Most Low Tide Afternoon May 2, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome & Coasting Low tide at Locarno Beach. I’m quite happy with these photos in the late afternoon light from this spur-of-the-moment walk on the beach. This lens Jericho Shore Scenes Apr 24, 2021 'Scapes & Monochrome & Coasting A few landscapes from Jericho Beach on an overcast April morning. Fujifilm X-T2, 18-55mm, f8 Spanish Banks Dog Beach Mar 20, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome & Coasting Spanish Banks Off Leash Dog Area. Leica M10, Zeiss Biogon 35mm f2. More photos from this location in a Flickr album