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Caught The Light, Beat The Heat Jul 8, 2024 Everyday & Color & Coasting I was up early this morning before a busy Monday full of client workshops and meetings. I took advantage of the extra time and the morning’s Feels Like Summer Jul 7, 2024 Everyday & Color & Coasting This past week has been the first one with consistently warm temeratures and I’ve found myself really enjoying the heat. Here are a few photos from Dunbar Wide Open May 19, 2024 Everyday & Color & Experiments I found a neutral density filter amoung my photo gear today and it fits the 43mm threads on my Zeiss 35mm f2 Biogon. The M10’s shutter tops out at Autumn Hues Oct 29, 2023 Color & Everyday It’s that time of autumn where ther are just as many, if not more, leaves on the ground than on the trees. But still enough to make for a colorful Down Highbury, Up Dunbar Oct 3, 2023 Color & Everyday An evening loop in the neighborhood! Leica M10 & Zeiss 50mm f1.5 Sonnar Wide But Not Far Jul 16, 2023 Monochrome & Everyday In 2008 when I got my Leica M8 I wanted a 28mm equivalent lens. On the M8’s 1.33 crop sensor that required a 21mm lens so I picked up a used An Ordinary Evening Jul 10, 2023 Color & Everyday A few snaps from a walk around the neighborhood this evening. Absolutely nothing extraordinary, just the ordinary things I noticed! Leica M10 & A Stroll Around Dunbar & QE Annex Apr 26, 2023 Everyday & Out and About & Color After a busy couple of days it was nice to get out for a walk in the neighborhood after dinner. I found myself back at the QE Annex school. There is Errands on Broadway Apr 17, 2023 Everyday & Monochrome & The Street Christine and I had some errands to run and shopping to do on West Broadway this past Sunday. Everyday moments that give life texture and that I Wet Weekend Apr 10, 2023 Everyday & Out and About & Color According to the weather forcast we made out better than planned. Regardless it was an April Showers kind of weekend. Most of these photos are with Alleyway Intrigue Apr 4, 2023 Everyday & Out and About & Color I needed a change of scenery this afternoon without going too far. I’ve been stuck inside with a nasty head cold for several days. Feeling A Kitsilano February Sunday Feb 12, 2023 Everyday & Out and About & Color The threat of rain doesn’t stop a true Vancouverite from getting outside. Especially in February as that would result in some serious cabin fever. Dunbar Highbury Loop Feb 7, 2023 Everyday & Out and About & Color The rain stopped and the clouds parted for a brief period this afternoon. I took advantage and headed for a walk down Dunbar for 15 blocks or so and First Snowfall Nov 8, 2022 Everyday & Color I woke up to the first snowfall of the season or at least the first where there was some accumulation. The patio was still in some disarray from a Provisioning Nov 8, 2022 Everyday & Monochrome This past rainy Sunday was a good day for a trip to the local provisioning centre. A lot of people had the same idea. Ricoh GR3 A Walk In The Rain Oct 30, 2022 Coasting & Everyday & Out and About & Color Here in Vancouver, we had been spoiled by dry and sunny weather for the first month or so of Autumn. Things are back to normal now as the rains have Post Feast Kitchen Oct 10, 2022 Everyday & Monochrome I received my Ricoh GR iii back from the service centre last week and I’m happy to have my take-everywhere camera back. It was a busy week which led Main Alley Aug 18, 2022 Color & Experiments & Everyday A few quick iPhone photos from this morning (again in the XPan ratio). The colors and light caught my eye while cutting through a colourful alley 2022-08-16 06:40, Dunbar Aug 16, 2022 Color & Everyday Out for an early walk this morning around the neighbourhood. I’m really enjoying the tiny Voigtlander 35mm f2.5 Color Skopar as a walk-around lens! Dunbar Morning Light Jul 28, 2022 Color & Everyday A warm morning with warm light! Leica M10 & Voigtlander 35mm f2.5 Color Skopar Dunbar, 8PM Jul 9, 2022 Everyday & Monochrome In the neighborhood yesterday evening 8:00 to 8:30 PM. Some nice light and shadows as the day draws to an end. Fujifilm X-T2 and Fujinon XF 18-55 Chaldecot Park Jun 19, 2022 Everyday & Monochrome Early morning walk to Chaldecot park before a busy morning that includes seeing a daughter off to Europe and Father’s Day brunch! Fujifilm X-T2 and Olympic Village, Friday Afternoon May 22, 2022 Everyday & Color & The Street I was at the office on Friday and took a quick walk to grab a late lunch and take a few photos around Olympic Village and Mount Pleasant. Ricoh GR Around the Block, Ricoh GX200 May 10, 2022 Everyday & Color & Rediscovered I was looking through my Lightroom catalog a couple weeks back and came across some photos I had made with the Ricoh GX200. The GX200 is a pocket Arbutus Ridge Alleys & Side Streets Apr 26, 2022 Everyday & Color & Out and About A quick walk this afternoon around Arbutus Ridge. I’m finding alleys interesting lately! Fuji X-T2 w Fujinon 18-55mm Patio Pups Apr 14, 2022 Doggos & Everyday & Color A little play break with the pups this afternoon. Sophie isn’t much for walks anymore but she still likes to roam around on the patio. A few indoor Dunbar Blossoming Mar 31, 2022 Everyday & Color & 'Scapes The cherry blossoms were in full bloom in Dunbar on this lovely last day of March! Leica M10 & Voigtlander 75mm & TTArtisan 28mm lenses Play Time Mar 27, 2022 Doggos & Everyday & Monochrome I love this little dude. Max is 14 years old and he still thinks he’s a puppy. Fujifilm X-T2 w Fujinon 23mm f2 R WR lens A Dunbar Park and Alley Mar 25, 2022 Everyday & Color Seeing the cherry blossoms out today had me paying attention to color and shape. These are from this afternoon’s walk around Chaldacot Park in Grooming Day Mar 24, 2022 Doggos & Everyday & Monochrome & Moments The pups were long overdue for haircuts due to some minor health issues. Both of them are really not fond of grooming day so I’m sure they were Just Go For A Walk Mar 23, 2022 Out and About & Color & Everyday It was a busy day and I was at my desk for all of it with back-to-back client and team meetings. A productive day but a little exhausting. The last It’s a Colorful Neighborhood Mar 9, 2022 Out and About & Color & Everyday I was at our office today in the Mount Pleasant district of Vancouver. I’m trying to go in once or twice a week and it’s been a welcome change of Late Breaking Light Feb 15, 2022 Everyday & Color The sun made an appearance this afternoon, breaking through the overcast day. I took the opportunity to get away from my desk for a while, camera in Fog Walk Jan 16, 2022 Everyday & Out and About & Color Max and I went for a walk in the pea-soup-thick fog this morning. Sophie slept in, the old girl prefers very short walks these days! Ricoh GR3 False Creek Morning Jan 15, 2022 Everyday & Out and About & Monochrome A nice morning walk around False Creek with the Leica CL & Sigma 45mm DC DN 2.8 lens Dunbar by Night Jan 13, 2022 Everyday & The Street & Monochrome It was a sunny and warm January day today. Yesterday’s rain melted all the snow and Vancouver looks like Vancouver again. The snow was a nice change Memorial West Park Jan 6, 2022 Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome Black and White (lots of white!) photos from a walk around Memorial West Park in Dunbar this afternoon. The igloo was a nice surprise! Fujifilm Around the Neighborhood Jan 3, 2022 Everyday & Color & 'Scapes Was feeling particularly lazy today but finally managed to get our for a quick walk in the late afternoon around the neighborhood. There was some Patio Weather Dec 28, 2021 Everyday Arbutus St. Dec 4, 2021 Out and About & Everyday & The Street & Monochrome Was time to get the Winter tires installed so I had some time to kill this morning after I dropped the car off. I walked down to the beach, and was Sunny Day in Shades of Grey Dec 3, 2021 Everyday & Out and About & Monochrome Some black and white versions of photos from today. Some of these have color version in my Rain Streak Broken post. Leica CL and 18mm Elmarit Rain Streak Broken Dec 3, 2021 Out and About & Everyday & Color We actually had some sunshine today after a pretty long stretch of grey, rainy days. I found a bit of time this afternoon to get out for a walk in Around the Block Nov 16, 2021 Out and About & Everyday & Color Today was the first day without rain (and a lot of it) in a while. Despite a busy day and an increasing scarcity of daylight hours I stole away for More Market Nov 14, 2021 Out and About & Everyday & Monochrome In addition the star ornament photos I took at Granville Island on Remembrance Day, here are some additional photos from around the market. Ricoh GR3 Mt. Pleasant Lunch Run Nov 10, 2021 Everyday & The Street & Monochrome Recently I’ve started to go into the office once a week or so to connect with other humans and take advantage of the change in scenery from the Nothing Gold Can Stay Nov 7, 2021 Out and About & Color & Everyday We are at the point in autumn where there are more leaves on the ground than on the trees. I was out for a walk yesterday through the neighborhood Kits Diptychs Nov 3, 2021 Sets & Out and About & Everyday & Monochrome Some photo sets from my outing at Kits Beach at dusk on Sunday Leica M10 & 35mm Zeiss Biogon f2 Zombies in Paradise Nov 1, 2021 Coasting & Out and About & Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome I was out for a walk at Kits Beach around dusk yesterday. I wish I could say I went with a subject or project in mind but I was mostly just out for Balaclava Park Sep 19, 2021 Everyday & Out and About & Monochrome It was overcast this afternoon and threatening to drizzle. I made it out for a walk with my Ricoh GR3 and took a few photos around Balaclava park. Missed the Market Aug 16, 2021 Out and About & The Street & Everyday & Monochrome I was at Granville Island on Sunday morning for a walk and a coffee and thought I would spend some time in the Public Market and take some photos. Under Construction Aug 5, 2021 Out and About & Color & Everyday Often when I decide to do some photography I get stopped by my own indecision. “Where can I go that’s interesting?” is the thought that often stops Overcast in Yaletown Aug 1, 2021 Out and About & The Street & Everyday & Monochrome My wife and I were out for a walk this afternoon in Yaletown. It was overcast and a bit hazy which kept it a bit cooler but it also resulted in Spanish Banks Mid-Summer Morning Jul 30, 2021 Coasting & 'Scapes & Everyday & Color I’m still getting used to the Zeiss 50mm 1.5 Sonnar lens but I do really enjoy the look of images that is produces! When I was reviewing these Black and White Stamps Jul 15, 2021 Coasting & Out and About & Everyday & Monochrome This mornings’ outing was around Stamps Landing, west of the Cambie street bridge. Some nice early morning light! Leica M10 & Voigtlander 75mm Color Kits Beach 07:30 Jul 13, 2021 Everyday & Color & Out and About I was in a color photography mood again this morning. Must be the great summer weather coaxing me out of my Black and White comfort zone! These Summer Haze Jun 28, 2021 Everyday & Moments & Color & 'Scapes Evening walk along Jericho Beach in the haze from the hottest day of the year so far! Ricoh GRiii Vaccination Station Jun 28, 2021 Everyday & The Street & Monochrome This past Saturday was my dose #2 for COVID-19 vaccination at the Canada Place convention centre here in Vancouver. Took a few photos around Canada Rough Week Jun 27, 2021 Moments & Everyday & Monochrome & Doggos Max had a rough week. The old boy was suffering from muscle spasms. Best hypothesis is that he threw his back out jumping off our bed. A trip to Garden Centre Jun 20, 2021 Everyday & Monochrome Father’s Day trip to the garden centre. A good chance to occupy myself taking photos while the family shops for plants! Ricoh GR iii at ISO 100 & 200 Market Morning Jun 19, 2021 Everyday & The Street & Monochrome Busy Saturday morning at Granville Island Public Market. People taking advantage of a nice spring morning and collecting supplies for Fathers Day. Neighborhood Walk Jun 15, 2021 Everyday & Monochrome Morning walk around the neighborhood with Leica M10 & 35mm Zeiss Biogon f2 Highbury Rectifier Jun 13, 2021 'Scapes & Monochrome & Everyday I’ve always found urban infrastructure interesting. Particularly the often non-descript buildings that house electrical, telecom and other utility Dunbar Baseball Jun 11, 2021 Everyday & Monochrome Leica M10 with Voigtlander 75mm Color Heliar 2.5 Camosun Substation Jun 7, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome Photos of the substation converved to monochrome Morning With Classic Chrome Jun 7, 2021 Everyday & Color I think one of the reasons I’m so attracted to Black and White is that I have some color blindness so I’m just never confident when editing color South Granville Sunday May 30, 2021 The Street & Everyday & Monochrome A quick walk around South Granville this afternoon with the Ricoh GR iii Sunday Morning Seawall Stroll May 23, 2021 Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome Few photos from a stroll along False Creek seawall this morning. Leica M10, 35mm Zeiss Biogon f2 Let’s Heal The Divide May 20, 2021 The Street & Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome I had a little time to kill this afternoon and decided to dust off my Leica M8 with 21mm Voigtlander Color Skopar f4. This tiny 21mm lens gives a Spring Garden in Monochrome May 18, 2021 Everyday & Monochrome & Up Close A few quick photos this evening in the patio garden. These photos look great in color but I also like them in monochrome with a few tweaks to make Low Tide Afternoon May 2, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome & Coasting Low tide at Locarno Beach. I’m quite happy with these photos in the late afternoon light from this spur-of-the-moment walk on the beach. This lens Spanish Banks Dog Beach Mar 20, 2021 'Scapes & Everyday & Monochrome & Coasting Spanish Banks Off Leash Dog Area. Leica M10, Zeiss Biogon 35mm f2. More photos from this location in a Flickr album