I haven’t posted in a while. Sometimes life gets in the way of art (or at least recreation)! The past few weeks have been busy with work and back to school preparations. This past weekend my wife and I delivered our eldest daugher and a car load of her posessions to first-year residence at the University of Victoria. It was a busy weekend moving, running errands and collecting provisions but I did manage an early morning walk by the inner harbour. I’m excited for our not-so-little girl but I miss her already. Photos made with Ricoh GR3 & Lightroom Classic
Zig Zag
Private Condensation
Load Limit
Benches Casting
Unsolved Equation
Cart Park & Smart Park
Summer Time Reflections
Flying Otter
Commercial Moorage
V2V Empress
Food Service
Morning Commute
Animal Crossing
Sunrise Touring
Squeaky Clean