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Out Back May 25, 2024 Out and About & Color I’ve posted before about my attraction to alleys and I’ve found myself strolling down them again this month! I have a couple of related projects in Alleyway Intrigue Apr 4, 2023 Everyday & Out and About & Color I needed a change of scenery this afternoon without going too far. I’ve been stuck inside with a nasty head cold for several days. Feeling March Monochromes Mar 24, 2023 Monochrome Most of my posts in recent months on this site have been of color photos. I have to admit to a renewed interest in color, despite a bit of hesitancy Main Alley Aug 18, 2022 Color & Experiments & Everyday A few quick iPhone photos from this morning (again in the XPan ratio). The colors and light caught my eye while cutting through a colourful alley Arbutus Ridge Alleys & Side Streets Apr 26, 2022 Everyday & Color & Out and About A quick walk this afternoon around Arbutus Ridge. I’m finding alleys interesting lately! Fuji X-T2 w Fujinon 18-55mm A Dunbar Park and Alley Mar 25, 2022 Everyday & Color Seeing the cherry blossoms out today had me paying attention to color and shape. These are from this afternoon’s walk around Chaldacot Park in Let’s Heal The Divide May 20, 2021 The Street & Everyday & 'Scapes & Monochrome I had a little time to kill this afternoon and decided to dust off my Leica M8 with 21mm Voigtlander Color Skopar f4. This tiny 21mm lens gives a