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Doug's Photo Blog
Freemont Street Feb 19, 2024 Out and About & Color & The Street Some shots from the spectacle that is Freemont Street, Las Vegas! Ricoh GR3 Neon Museum Feb 19, 2024 Out and About & Color I’d never heard of the Neon Museum in Las Vegas. I’m glad we found out about it. The museum is a little persnickety about photography, insisting U2 At The Sphere Feb 18, 2024 Out and About & Color I was extremely doubtful that any concert experience at the ticket prices for U2 at the Sphere could be worth it. I was wrong, the band’s Colorful New Year Feb 10, 2024 Out and About & Color & The Street I decided to revisit yesterdays photos and select some that work well in color. I went for a bit of a film look and not overly saturated colors Happy Lunar New Year! Feb 9, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street A quick trip to Chinatown this afternoon in celebration of Lunar New Year. All of the shops and restaurants were busy with people stocking up for Shower Study Feb 6, 2024 Monochrome & Abstract & Sets Photos made and edited on iPhone 15 Pro Glimpses of Infrastructure Feb 3, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & The Street I’ve been ill with a bad cold (or some other nasty virus) for the past few days so I was happy I felt well enough this afternoon to go for a walk Rain Respite Jan 30, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes & Coasting A weeklong stretch of rain was briefly interupted today. The sky still threatened rain but it held off. The late afternoon was complimented by warm Dunbar Snow Scenes Jan 19, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes Yesterday, while I was on my way to Pacific Spirit Park I also made some photographs around the neighborhood. The blanket of white snow, dark wet Pacific Spirit Snow Jan 18, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I’m not much of a winter person, despite growing up on the prairies. It’s mostly the cold and the short days that I’m not fond of. A big dump of Cold Kits Jan 13, 2024 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes A sunny and clear, but very cold (for Vancouver), afternoon made for a fun outing this afternoon at Kits Beach! Leica SL2 and Sigma 85mm f1.4 Art A Short December Dec 29, 2023 Recollection & Monochrome Realistically, I suppose, this December was the same lengh as the ones that came before it. Thirty one days (29 so far), 744 hours, even 5 full Holiday Season Starts With A Beach Walk Dec 23, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes This week marked the offical start of Winter and for our family, like many, this weekend is the start of the holiday season. The holidays always Clarity In The Fog Nov 26, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome & 'Scapes I love photographing in the fog. Fog strips away the extraneous and can reveal as much as it obscures. Here are some shots from this morning around Epic Nov 18, 2023 Out and About & Monochrome Every now and then schedules align and you end up in the fortunate position of being able to spend time with a great friend and his great dog. Kits Beach, Monochromes Nov 16, 2023 Out and About & 'Scapes & Monochrome Some black & white photos around Kits Beach this evening. A few color versions here as well! Leica SL2 & Zeiss 35mm Biogon Kits Beach, Late Afternoon Nov 16, 2023 Out and About & 'Scapes & Color Leica SL2 & Zeiss 35mm Biogon Night Light Nov 14, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About The days are getting shorter especially after the recent clock change but I decided to not let that stop me from getting out with a camera this Stat Beach Walk Nov 13, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes Today was the Stat holiday in lieu of Remembrance Day falling on the weekend. I took advantage of the day off to enjoy a walk at Spanish Banks. Ad Hoc Morning Appointment Oct 30, 2023 Monochrome & Out and About & 'Scapes I had a rare weekday morning without any appointments on my calendar. After a cafe stop for morning caffeine while doing some weekly planning, I Next page