The M8 was Leica’s first digital rangefinder, released in the fall of 2006. I aquired mine used in the spring of 2010 and fell in love with the camera and the way it rendered both color and especially black & white images. Many cameras have come into my life since and most of them have also gone but the M8 persists. I don’t think I will ever sell it and hope it keeps functioning for a long time to come. By todays standards it’s slow, finicky and low resolution. If I’m honest those things do stop me from grabing it as often as I should. However, every time I pick it up I’m rewarded with both the experience of using it and the images that it produces. It demands I slow down and accomodate it’s constraints. Today I brought it with me while killing some time in the South Granville area of Vancouver along with the dimunutive TT Artisan 28mm f5.6 lens which is about a 37mm equivalent on the M8’s 1.33 crop sensor.
Leica M8 with TT Artisan 28mm f5.6
My beloved, if somewhat neglected Leica M8
Road Cloasd, Pop-up Plaza
Pop-up Plaza coffee
Modern Phone Booths
Mask Fit
Al Fresco Sidewalk
Al Fresco Plaza
West 12th Crossing 1
West 12th Crossing 2
Mother’s Day Ready
Visiting Mom 1
Visiting Mom 2
Checking In 1